Not since the Clean Water Act passed more than fifty years ago has there been promise of such a boost in federal funding pointed toward water infrastructure. As the current administration begins to roll out components of a $2 trillion national infrastructure plan, now is the opportunity for municipalities to start organizing their needs in anticipation of disbursement of funds.

The proposed eight-year Plan, dedicating $111 billion to water infrastructure investments, slates $56 billion to include grants and low-cost flexible loans to upgrade and modernize America’s aging drinking water, wastewater, and stormwater systems.

So what can municipalities focused on wastewater and stormwater systems do now to prepare for this dramatic investment into our infrastructure? Most municipalities across the country have invested money into conducting line inspections, however keeping this data organized and accessible for creating reports has proven an ongoing challenge.

Utilizing a cloud-based data storage system like t4 Vault allows municipalities to upload data in whatever form it lives (thumb drives, hard drives, servers, etc.) and have it available for specific reporting based on criteria such as location or pipe defects. Using this reporting, municipalities can then more easily quantify and justify their needs as they apply for funding. Once data is securely stored with t4 Vault, identifying areas of highest concern becomes more evident – making the step of prioritizing the spend of any funding received much easier.

As we all continue to watch how the federal government takes on the water challenges of our country, it’s an ideal time to start the assessment process within our own municipalities. Staying organized and ready is our best course of action.

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