t4 Undergroundtm

Municipal Sewer Management Software

Are you still putting out ‘fires’ after they start because you lack information about your assets? Now you can have the data you need to proactively target sewer maintenance activities and get a handle on problems before they surface.

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Underground helps you make better decisions.

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See t4 Underground In Action

These four videos (around 2 minutes each) will give you a quick introduction to how t4 Underground works.

Workplan actioning

“t4 Vault allows the sanitation districts to store it’s sewer inspection videos on the cloud, and allows us to reduce our in-house storage, and also provides easy access for districts personnel as well as contractors to retrieve the data and inspect the videos.”

– Darrell Hatch

Sanitation Districts of Los Angeles County

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t4 Underground Pricing

Configured for each municipality

A subscription to t4 Underground is priced by mile of sewer pipeline and includes unlimited video storage of pipeline inspection video data and unlimited users within your organization.

We realize that municipalities come in a variety of different sizes and with unique needs. That’s why t4 Underground’s pricing varies according to the municipality. We have pricing for small systems, large systems, and many levels in between.

Please request a demo or call us at 805-309-0310 to learn more!


Pricing Varies

  • Unlimited video storage
  • Unlimited users
  • Priced by mile of sewer assets

By 2020, the average age of the 1.6 million miles of water and sewer pipes in the United States will hit 45 years.

Your municipality’s pipes are getting older and the need to keep your sewer rehabilitation program organized and efficient is at an all time high. t4 Underground can help you stay on top of the increased workload ahead.

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How it Works

t4 Underground helps prioritize assets for inspection by allowing you to filter and sort PACP data. Prioritize assets for sewer inspection and follow up, maintenance, or rehabilitation based on how critical they are or their condition rating. t4 Underground takes the PACP inspection data and generates a score for each segment of pipe.
No more rummaging through DVDs, hard drives, and VHS tapes to find the information you need from your sewer inspection data. t4 Underground and t4 Vault both give you a secure and searchable cloud-based archive of your original video and sewer inspection data. Easily upload, search and view your videos from any device. t4 solutions give you multiple playback speeds and the ability to share access with anyone. Your contractors can now upload sewer inspection data directly to t4 Spatial from the job site.
We help you access the data and information necessary to predict structural and operational issues before they occur. You will know how your collection system really works because you will be able to see capacity issues before they turn into full-blown maintenance problems. When you implement a proactive program based on information and systematic assessment you make preventative maintenance decisions instead of simply reacting to emergencies. This removes some of the politics and second-guessing from decision-making.
The USEPA and other water quality regulators often require wastewater utilities to assess the condition of their infrastructure, do targeted maintenance, and proactively rehabilitate and replace pipelines. t4 Underground helps you comply with these requirements by making it easy for you to document your activities and plan proactively. Analysis is a lot easier when all your sewer inspection data is on a GIS-based map.
It’s easier to plan and collaborate when everyone has access to the same information. t4 Underground stores your data in the cloud. You and your colleagues can access it anytime and from anywhere as long as you’re connected to the internet. This means video inspection contractors can upload data directly to t4 Underground or t4 Vault from the job site, giving the project manager instant access.